
[Dec. 6, 2013]
LLBMC wins a gold medal, a silver medal, and four bronze medals in the 3rd International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2014).
[Nov. 14, 2013]
LLBMC wins the "Best Tool Demonstration Award" a the 28th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '13).
[Jun. 20, 2013]
LLBMC version 2013.1 released. New features and improvements:
  • LLBMC now performs lazy, on-demand loop unrolling, function inlining, and encoding
  • LLBMC can now take several bitcode files as input and it is no longer necessary to use llvm-link in order to combine them into a single bitcode file
  • Improved status information output
  • LLBMC is now based on LLVM 3.3
  • New version of STP (revision 1673)
  • General stability and performance improvements
You can download LLBMC version 2013.1 here.
[Mar. 21, 2013]
LLBMC wins two gold and four silver medals in the 2nd International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2013).
[Nov. 9, 2012]
LLBMC version 2012.2a released. This is a maintenance release with no new features besides stability improvements.
[Aug. 31, 2012]
LLBMC version 2012.2 released. New features and improvements:
  • Extended support for C library functions. LLBMC now has built-in support for:
    memcpy, memset, memmove, strlen, strcpy, strncpy, strcat, strncat, strchr, memchr, strcmp, strncmp, memcmp, toupper, tolower, malloc, calloc, free, exit, abort
  • New options: --max-builtins-iterations, --max-memcpy-iterations, --memcpy=<method>
  • New, additional output format: SMT-LIB (versions 1 and 2)
  • Support for many GCC/LLVM built-in functions (e.g., __builtin_parity())
  • Improved counterexample traces
  • LLBMC is now based on LLVM 3.1
  • New version of STP (revision 1666)
  • Support for backend solver "MiniSat and propagators" in STP
  • Option --friendly-protoypes renamed to --ignore-missing-function-bodies
  • General stability and performance improvements
You can download LLBMC version 2012.2 here.
[Feb. 07, 2012]
Started a Google Group on LLBMC. In this group you can discuss and ask questions about LLBMC.
[Feb. 04, 2012]
First public release of LLBMC (version 2012.1).
[Dec. 16, 2011]
A preliminary version of LLBMC (version 0.9) participated in the TACAS'12 Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2012) and was able to win a gold medal in category "DeviceDrivers" and a silver medal in category "HeapManipulation".